Hello and welcome to my page on Theistic Satanism!

My name is Scaevola and I've been a practicing Luciferian since 2022. I was raised by a practicing Druidic witch and been doing spellcraft since I was a teen. I'm newer into my journey with Lucifer than many other practitioners and only gained a connection with the diety recently, doing reading and research over these past few years, but I'd still love to share my thoughts as well as create resources for people who are just beginning their journey. I don't consider myself an expert, I'm still reading and forming a lot of my own opinions, but I'm making this page so that I can share my opinions as I'm learning.

My Personal Alter

Currently, I'm rereading the works of Rev. Cain, as he's considered one of the foremost writers and experts of Theistic Satanism right now, so I can give a proper review. I hope to have reviews of The Infernal Bible and The Satanic Philosopher up soon! I also hope to give some opinions on other literature on Goetia, as well as some originally Christian writings as well.

I'm also hoping to write about my experiences with cartomancy and using cartomancy to communicate with deities.

I hope this page eventually can become a good and non-judgemental introduction into Theistic Satanism and Luciferianism for those curious!

Recommended Reading
Basics of Theistic Satanism
Reviews and Opinions

Recommended Reading

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Basics of Theistic Satanism

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Reviews and Opinions

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The Goetic Sigil of Lucifer
